Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Calling All Teachers

Really, this is shouting out to anybody that works anywhere you could put a jar out.  I have been given a fantastic idea that I would like your help with. 

Put a jar out and ask people to put their change in it.  It is a "Change for Change" jar.  You could put it on your desk, in the teacher's lounge, or in the break room at your office.   If you wanted to get really ambitious for me, you could put a cute little sign on it explaining what it is. 

You might be thinking that nickels and dimes don't really matter, and it isn't really going to help me that much.  But really, nickles and dimes can quickly add up.  Even if those nickles and dimes only add up to $120, it will cover the cost of my visa in Tanzania. 

I greatly appreciate your efforts!
